Lavender water can be used in a variety of ways around the house. Some ideas:
When washing bedding and linens, add some lavender water to the rinse cycle. Your bedding will have a light lavender scent.
Use when ironing, spritz a bit of the lavender water on the items being ironed. Will add a nice lavender scent to the garment.
Lavender water can also be used as a beauty aid, try it as a skin freshener on hot summer days, a hair rinse, splash in the bath or dab around temples for headache relief.
Insect repellent, try it for mosquito repellent use as well as a mosquito bite itch helper. Lavender deters flies and other insects too.
How To Make Lavender Water - Recipes
Recipe #1
Mason Jar
Lavender Buds
Fill the glass jar with lavender and cover completely with vodka. Seal jar.
Place the jar in a sunny location for about 18 days, rotate and shake the jar each day–morning and night.
After 18 days, strain the lavender from the vodka and seal the liquid in a clean glass jar.
Use as needed.
Recipe #2
2 cups water (distilled)
3 TBS vodka
15 drops Lavender essential oil
Mix the essential oil and vodka together then add water. Seal in a jar or bottle, keep in a dark place for 2 weeks before using.
Making Veddw Garden part Three. A Wedding.
4 hours ago
This sounds so nice!
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Carnival of Home Preserving - July 14, 2008 Edition
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Wow! Thank you so much for the invitation. You bet you'll see me submitting my meatballs!
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