I received the most wonderful gift today from a very wonderful friend. The Vinegar Anniversary Book was delivered to my desk by Alyn this morning and man is it a great book! All sorts of tidbits and information about Vinegar, it's history, how it's made and it's uses both medicinal and everyday. I'm very pleased with my gift from her. Thanks a ton Alyn!
So far this particularly caught my eye:
The Most Expensive Meal Ever
The world's most costly meal may have begun with a glass of vinegar. When asked to think of the most expensive beverage, vinegar may not come immediately to mind. Yet it may take the prize for more expensive drink in history! Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, made culinary history when she made a wager that she could consume, at a single meal, the value of a million sisterces. To many, it seemed an impossible task. After all, how could anyone eat so much?
Cleopatra was able to consume a meal woth so very much by dropping a million sisterces worth of pearls into a glass of vinegar. Then she set it aside while banquet preperations were made. When the time came to fulfill her wager, she simply drank the dissolved pearls!
Making Veddw Garden part Three. A Wedding.
2 hours ago
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