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1/18/2010 02:01:00 PM

Insecticide Garlic Spray

I found this recipe and some others over at Gardeners Net.

The nice thing about it is you can use it inside, outside, in soil, out of soil. You don't have to worry about it poisoning you, your family, pets, or your plants but it certainly repel insects!

Insecticide Garlic Spray

1 garlic bulb
2 cups water
1 gallon water

  1. Take an entire garlic bulb and two cups of water and blend in blender.

  2. Mix at high speed for 1-2 minutes.

  3. Pour into a container and set aside for up to one day.

  4. Strain liquid through a cheese cloth.

  5. Mix liquid with one gallon of water.

  6. Apply liberally on top and bottom of leaves.


Growing broccoli said...

Leeks prefer a sunny, sheltered site with well-drained soil. As they will sit in the soil for a long time, they're an ideal crop for the allotment, although many have fantastic foliage that makes them an ideal vegetable to grow in flower borders or an ornamental potager.

Growing broccoli said...

Broccoli is a rewarding vegetable to grow and is best planted in soil rich with organic matter. Broccoli seed should be sown early in spring so the heads mature before hot weather.

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