After going on and getting $7800 out of debt last year in prep for the inevitable, I learned my site is being closed on April 5th. I'm glad that I worked through the debt I had last year and only have about 3k left plus a car loan. My severance is enough to get us through for several months and there are already job prospects on the horizon.
What is hard is not losing the job. It's the people. The job is good and I enjoy doing it, but it is the people that I will miss more than the work. The company I work for (GMAC) has taken a turn that has led them to this path and 7 years under my belt means that I'll be handsomely compensated but that doesn't give me the time with the people that I work with, which is what I mourn more than anything.
While a good chunk of us will end up at the same place, it won't be the same atmosphere, nor will it be under the same circumstances. Being in management, it is difficult for me to accept a position where I take a hefty pay cut because we have a certain standard of living that we've achieved. There are management positions for which I'm qualified, however, the time and energy I've put into this company will mean nothing there other than "You're hired".
We're lucky to work for a company that cares enough to give us a two day workshop on how to write a resume and how to sell yourself in an interview. Not to mention the mini job fairs that are going on at the site to help us find other jobs with other companies. First Tennessee Bank, Vanderbilt Mortgage and others will be coming to our GMAC site to help us fill in positions at their facilities so that we're still comfortable and have an income. I can't say that for many places, considering I've driven to work before and found out I didn't have a job when I got there because the doors were chained. We're lucky to have two months notice. It gives us an opportunity to say the things that need to be said and time to find the right job instead of accepting the first to offer because we're not sure what the future will hold.
It is distressing. It is hard. It will be hard. I will miss the people. I'll miss the things that happen every day. I'll miss my boss, my co-workers and my direct reports! I will be in a new place and it will be difficult because I won't have the knowledge of this company that I have for my current one or the seniority that will help to carry me into new positions and new teams. It is astounding to me that this chapter in my life is coming to a close.
The first thing I thought when the news came was that I didn't know how to look for a job I've been with the company so long. I don't want to interview and fill out applications and submit resume after resume. But in the end, there is no choice and I will have to do what needs to be done.
We'll keep on trucking.
Making Veddw Garden part Three. A Wedding.
2 hours ago
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