Did I mention being unemployed can really give you a lot of time to work on those projects you didn't have time for before? I have been working on my garden, disheartening as it may be that I don't have a job at the moment, but I've been working on it. We put up the gazebo, built a raised bed, I've done a lot of container gardening, too. I've done a lot of herbs and they are doing so well. My main problem has been pest management because, again, it rains for three days and then we have three days of nice skies, then it rains for three days again. I've been really on top of getting the DE on the plants and keeping it on them. But I'm still seeing the signs of my leaves being eaten. Worse, slugs and snails have moved in. I've been battling that.
But we're counter balancing. I put the bird feeders near the garden and I'm seeing a sharp decrease in insects. The ground squirrels are entertaining as they forage through the little existing bed the bird feeder sits in. The bed is very old but the soil in it is actually pretty good. I've got some things planted but I don't think they are going to do anything. There is a huge tree shading that spot so I'm going to be getting some shade loving flowers instead.
I've been doing a lot of research into aquaculture the past three weeks and this guy:
is amazing. He has built a system in a greenhouse, wrote software to monitor it and has it almost completely automated. Wow.
I'd love to build one. But for now, I'm going to keep on with my cucumbers and onions with broccoli and herbs. My cat is evil as she destroyed the okra, cauliflower, and tomato. Ahh well, there is always next year and indoor gardening.
Making Veddw Garden part Three. A Wedding.
2 hours ago
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