I have not posted since June, not without good reason, but still, I should not neglect what I have going on here. With the loss of my old job and then the subsequent gain of a new one which always promises 50 hours or more a week including weekends... and school.. and I squeeze family in there sometimes, too. House and home have pretty much been placed on a back burner. I do have some small projects going on right now, but it is truly nothing to blog about.
Aside from bringing in my frost sensitive dwarf trees for the winter, I have nothing major to report. I have gone about my normal business of herb gathering and drying and watching as my pumpkins sprawl across the raised bed blooming but producing nothing this year. They are still blooming, even after the light frost, but they have not produced a single pumpkin this year, which is strange for all seven plants. I haven't had time to really stop and consider why this has occurred, but it is something I will be filing away in the back of my mind to look up in a spare moment.
I certainly hope everyone got out of their garden what they expected this past season and I also hope that any of you doing any winter gardening also get what you expect.
This is not an official closing of the blog, but I am going to be scarce. I'm writing more research papers than are in actual existence and with the holiday season so close, I'm watching my hours at work go up steadily. You can imagine where this scenario is going. My new job is nothing like my old one so I can't work on these things from work anymore. It's a home only kind of thing and I'm like never home. Except on weekends. Weekends are reserved for catching up on school work I neglected during the week because sleep seemed like a better idea or I just really wanted to hang with the kids. Bloging is on hold for the most part. In those moments that I have more time and I have something to really blog about, I'll be here.
Enough whining, how about that thing I really wanted to talk about?
I found this page while I was digging around looking for some info on zone 9 for a friend. It is a rather handy dandy Landscape Plant Selector that gives a surprising amount of options for trying to find the perfect plant for whatever project you're doing. I played with it for a few minutes and found that it was really helpful. The pictures could be larger or could stand to have an enlarge option, but other than that, I'm liking what I'm seeing.
Making Veddw Garden part Three. A Wedding.
2 hours ago
I love gardening and your blog is full of good ideas on what to do in my garden. I can't wait until springtime so I can try out some of the things that I've learned.
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