You know its a good thing to get rid of all those cleaners under your kitchen sink. Use in a well ventilated area. Umm, ok, here let me open the roof. We've seen the good uses of Baking Soda so one step further, we'll look at another abundant and cheap every day household item. Vinegar! I was surfin the web and came across this site where they have a nice organized way to talk about 131 uses for vinegarincluding:
Cleaning sinks, bathtubs, irons and coffee pots or anything else that uses water on a regular basis that may end up with build up.
Unclog drains and shower heads.
Taking the sting out of insect bites.
Eliminating odors in jars, litter pans, and laundry.
Deodorize lunch boxes, carpets, pet bedding, refrigerators, and freezers.
Prevents eggshells from breaking while boiling.
Kill bacteria in meat and take the edge off the gamey taste.
Store a vinegar soaked cloth with cheese to make it to last longer.
Clean food stained pots and pans, glass surfaces, keep spots from forming on glasses, clean reading glasses.
Relieve sore throats, colds and coughs, arthitis, sunburns and tummy aches.
Relieve itching, dandriff, acne and dissolve warts and corns.
Skin softener and to aid in the treatment of dry skin.
Appetite supressant
Prevent yeast infections.
Increase the life span of your panty hose, soften clothing and prevent lint from hanging onto clothing.
Kill weeds, and increase the acid level in soil.
Remove wall paper.
Prolong the life of flowers in a vase.
Repel ants.
Tons of uses, which means this little multi-tasker will save you $$. Just another way we're sticking it to the man. Buy large jugs of this stuff for cheaper than the crap-ton of other stuff thats *bad for you* and far more expensive. Definately a 9.5 on the Greener Meter (.5 point deducted for the inital smell).
Making Veddw Garden part Three. A Wedding.
4 hours ago
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