Did you know that 90% of the worlds rainfall is over the ocean? I warned you we'd get back to this and here we are. I've read on this quite a bit and have discovered two things. 1.) Havesting rainwater is a fabulous idea. 2.) Ingesting it without the proper filtration system is a bad idea. It isn't difficult to harvest rainwater, a few food grade barrels hooked up to your existing gutter system will do it and you'll have enough water to make sure your garden grows. That is small scale.
Large scale, you're looking at cisterns that are bigger than my minivan, piping, backflow supression systems, pumps, valves, two or three phase filtration systems... the list can get kinda long depending on what type of water harvesting you're in for. I like this guy's idea. A nice neat system that gets him through most of the year with the kitchen tap still on treated water from the city. An excellent idea, and affordable, too. He says it cost him about $1500 which is pretty good for all the money he saved.
I also found the American Rainwater Catchment Association. They have a wealth of information to help you get started on harvesting rainwater and if it is economical for you to do so. They also have links for the UK and the International Rainwater Catchment Association.
Interestingly enough, I found these videos on YouTube.
There are just a ton of these types of videos on YouTube.
Making Veddw Garden part Three. A Wedding.
4 hours ago
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