I am very pleased with myself right about now. I have rearranged, I have scratched, I have paid off, I have stomped my feet but I have made the seemingly impossible happen. In spite of the fact that the IRS snafu has deprived me of my stimulus check (yea and I was all ready to get stimulated last week, too) until July, and I had two other things come up that seemed to loom over the horizon, I still have managed to get the side of beef that I wanted. *clap*
Yep. Freezer full of cow. Though, there is a warning attached to this.
WARNING: Disclosing that you have a full side of fresh beef hanging out in your freezer will attract leeches, undesirables, free loaders and hated family members. For your own sanity it is important to tape your spouse's mouth shut so that people don't just randomly show up for dinner.
A "friend" that will remain anon on this blog has suddenly taken an interest in us once more since he has heard about said side of beef. I tolerate him because occassionally he has his uses. Rarely is the better word but my husband wants to keep him around for those rare times when he is useful. He is a control freak. He is a jerk most of the time. He expects for us to be there for him when he is in need, yet can usually find an excuse on why he can't be there for us unless he is storing that little nugget up for future extortion. And he thinks my husband and I don't talk. I know everything, my husband knows everything, and neither of us are telling him about it. Unreliable. Petty. Selfish. Self-centered. Immature. Snobbish. Aloof. Know-it-all. Argumentative. Insufferable. Incorrigible. Dysfunctional. Delusional. User. Despicable. *snarl* *spit* *growl*
I would go on but he, if he ever read my blog, would know I was bitching about him (if he hasn't already figured it out, and if you have, now you know what I REALLY think, stick it in your self-righteous pulpit and smoke it) specifically if I really unloaded on specifics and I would rather not make things complicated for my husband who at times enjoys this person's company when he isn't being a selfish, petty, immature, self-centered, unreliable piece of *&%#$*#$*&#$*&!
There. Now that I've gotten that off my chest. If you decide you're going to buy a large hunk of cow, make sure to keep it a secret if you possibly can. Otherwise, you'll be wishing you could staple your spouse's lips together.
On a happier note, my tomato plant has 3 blossoms now and my pumpkin is starting to grow up. We've been hardening off for the past few days in prep for planting the little guy. Luckily, we're buying a bigger freezer, we're gonna need it with all those pumpkins this autumn.
Making Veddw Garden part Three. A Wedding.
4 hours ago
You got the cow! Yay! Well, let me know how it is and if you'd do it again. I'm glad it worked out for you, and sorry about the "friend."
Have a happy day!
Thank you! I will certain let you know how it turns out and I'll bring you some steak if it is exceptional!
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