My cat, Velvet is a sweet kitty... right up until she's not.
Firstly, Tanis, the new addition, had some upset when we first took him in. He did not like the dogs down from us leaving their mark on their fence so he bolted. Jake, my husband, tore after him because he obviously ran away from one place and he didn't want him to run away from us. He finally catches him with the help of the kids. Now caught, Tanis wiggles and slips his collar which traumatizes him more when he is caught again and brought into the house. Jake attempts to get the collar on him and all Tanis wants to do is run and hide. Welp, right as Tanis slunk under the bed, Jake caught him and Tanis turned around and bit him. It was a minor bite, but a bite none-the-less. Velvet witnessed this and as soon as Jake was able to catch the wiggling wiggler to get his collar back on him, Velvet came out to defend her owner's honor.
She tagged him, full claws, both paws and had Tanis just terrified! Tanis, unable to get away because Jake has a hold on him trying to keep his collar from choking him finally had to let go because Velvet was making him cry. Tanis runs for the bedroom, Velvet behind him tagging him every other step in the rear with five little pointy things. Tanis cries and hides in the closet were Velvet exerts her dominance over him. It was interesting to watch and I know I laughed until I couldn't breath. Her tail had to be three inches around all puffed out and she had that Halloween cat look. Hence the title "Vicious Attack Cat".
Well, little miss vicious was strolling in the yard a few weeks ago and is suddenly faced with a terrifying foe. Mocking birds. Her plan was to go relax in the shade but it was disrupted by three mocking birds. They batted and dive bombed and hissed and chirped but nothing came of it. Velvet made an extraditous retreat. This happened a couple of days in a row and we through it was done where it was.
Well, that was before the live bird fluttered across my foot as I was getting ready for work. Not thinking, I wondered how in the hell a bird got into my house and called Jake to handle the poor dear on my way out the door. I vaguely registered that it was a mocking bird but didn't have time to be pensive, I had to get to work.
A week later, Velvet and Majere are playing Keep-Away with a mocking bird in the house, feathers are just going everywhere. Jake rescued the poor thing but wings and legs were broken and that poor bird was on the verge of having a heart attack. Poor thing.
Well.. Velvet not wanting confrontation in the daylight hours gets them while they are in their nests. She has caused the mocking bird population to sharply decline in our yard. We were down to one lone mocking bird who split like a banana on ice cream. Things were quiet. It was nice. Then the bird shows back up with reinforcements. There are like eight of them now. So Velvet knowing that her rob the nest trick works ends up getting ambushed one night.
I didn't realize. I just couldn't figure out where her collar was. And why is there all this Velvet fur in the yard? Tuffs and tuffs and tuffs of it just fluttering across the grass in the breeze. Jake found her collar hanging in the tree.
So now we've got the Mocking Bird Mafia moving in and they mean business, shaving off her fur and leaving her collar behind as a message to Velvet's family.
Well.. that just won't do. Velvet shredded their nest. It was all over the yard. She means business herself and where did that little mocking bird go? The Don's youngest fledgling? Where did he go? Well, he was brought to Don Majere and they had a chat about where the fledglings future is going as he is being flung across my house and his feathers are being pulled out when he didn't give the answer Majere wanted to hear.
What a mess.
But this takes the cake. Velvet, always careful and always protective, got her butt handed to her. She is missing a good size chunk of flesh right behind her ear (which I've been keeping clean and disinfected).
See what these senseless acts of violence turn into?
Though, I feel kinda sorry for the bird. Velvet was seen sharpening my butcher knife not long ago and she has a pot of water on to boil. I'm thinking that the Don's fledgling is going to be dinner soon.
What do you do with your garden harvest?
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6/25/2008 11:37:00 PM
Labels: Velvet the Vicious Attack Cat
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