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6/05/2008 12:56:00 AM

Tomatos and Pumpkins

Our planted pumpkin is doing well in its new home outside in the ground. We had a cause for concern when one of the true leaves whithered and died, but the rest of the plant is thriving and just moving right along. All the rain has been helpful for this. The tomato plant is slowly growing. My neighbor who swore he wouldn't plant tomatoes this year, planted two little plants and they doubled the size of mine in a week. I know this could be due to the type of the plants he has are different from mine but I can't help feeling that with mine being upsidedown in the pot and getting less sun due to it being hidden under the pot during the noon hour is the reason mine isn't as large as his. It is definately healthy and I expect that it will produce well, but next year, I'm thinking a four way post with long hangers for the hanging basket will do better. More sun, better thriving plant. We shall see next year!


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