I've dug around the internet and built this list of compostable items:
Apple cores
Aquarium plants
Artichoke leaves
Bagasse (sugar cane residue)
Banana peels
Bat guano
BBQ'd fish skin
Bee droppings
Beet wastes
Bird cage cleanings
Bird guano
Blood meal
Bone meal
Bread crusts
Brewery wastes
Brown paper bags
Burlap coffee bags
Burned oatmeal (sorry, Mom)
Burned toast
Cardboard cereal boxes (shredded)
Cattail reeds
Cardboard (shredded)
Chicken manure
Chocolate cookies
Citrus wastes
Coconut hull fiber
Coffee grounds
Cooked rice
Cotton balls
Corncobs (takes a long time to decompose)
Cover crops
Cow manure
Crab shells
Date pits
Dead bees and flies
Dirt from soles of shoes, boots
Dolomite lime
Dried jellyfish
'Dust bunnies' from under the bed
Dryer lint
Egg shells
Electric razor trimmings
Elmer's glue
Expired flower arrangements
Feathers Animal fur
Felt waste
Fingernail and toenail clippings
Fish bones
Fish meal
Fish scraps
Flower petals
Freezer-burned fish
Freezer-burned fruit
Freezer-burned vegetables
Fruit salad
Garden soil
Garlic skins
Gin trash (wastes from cotton plants)
Goat manure
Granite dust
Grape wastes
Grapefruit rinds
Grass clippings
Greeting card envelopes
Grocery receipts
Guinea pig cage cleanings
Hair clippings from the barber
Harbor mud
Hog manure
Hoof and horn meal
Horse hair
Horse manure
Houseplant trimmings
Ice cream containers (cardboard)
Ivory soap scraps
Jell-o (gelatin)
Kitchen wastes
Kleenex tissues
Leather dust
Leather wallets
Leather watch bands
Lees from making wine
Lint from behind refrigerator
Lint from clothes dryer
Liquid from canned fruit
Liquid from canned vegetables
Lobster shells
Macaroni and cheese
Matches (paper or wood)
Melted ice cream
Milk (in small amounts)
Molasses residue
Moldy cheese
Moss from last year's hanging baskets
Nut shells
Old beer
Old leather gardening gloves
Old or outdated seeds
Old pasta
Old spices
Old, dried up and faded herbs
Olive pits
Onion skins
Outdated yogurt
Paper napkins
Paper towels
Pea vines
Peanut butter sandwiches
Peanut shells
Peat moss
Pencil shavings
Pet hair
Pie crust
Pine needles
Pizza boxes
Popcorn (unpopped, 'Old Maids,' too)
Post-it notes
Potash rock
Potato peelings
Powdered/ground phosphate rock
Produce trimmings from grocery store
Pumpkin seeds
Q-tips (cotton swabs: cardboard, not plastic sticks)
Quail eggs (OK, I needed a 'Q' word)
Rabbit manure
Rapeseed meal
Rhubarb stems
River mud
Seaweed and kelp
Shredded cardboard
Shredded newspapers
Shrimp shells
Smoke Chips (used)
Soggy Cheerios
Soy milk
Spanish moss
Spoiled canned fruits and vegetables
Stale bread
Stale breakfast cereal
Stale potato chips
Starfish (dead ones!)
Sunday comics
Tea bags (black and herbal)
Tea bags and grounds
Theater tickets
Tobacco wastes
Toenail clippings
Tossed salad
Tree bark
Unpaid bills
Vacuum cleaner bag contents
Watermelon rinds
Wedding bouquets
Wheat bran
Wheat straw
Wine gone bad
Winery wastes
Winter rye
Wood ashes
Wood chips
Wooden toothpicks
Wool socks
Most of this list came from this lady. Good site, nice newsletter.
What do you do with your garden harvest?
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- Tis the Season
6/13/2008 10:23:00 AM
Labels: Composting, Gardening
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