I found a really cool article from the Ohio Extension. It gives container measurements for different plants.
Peppers, chard and dwarf tomatoes: soil volume of 1-2 gallons per plant
Full-sized tomato plants, cucumbers: soil volume of 4-5 gallons per plant
Lettuce, radish, onions, and beets: 6"-10" diameter pots
Most herbs: 4"-6" diameter pots
Estimating soil mix to use:
4" pot: 1 pint soil
6" pot: 3 pints soil
8" pot: 11/2 gallons soil
10" pot: 21/2 gallons soil
12" pot: 31/2 gallons soil
14" pot: 41/2 gallons soil
16" pot: 51/2 gallons soil
20" pot: 61/2 gallons soil
Beans, Lima Bush Baby, Fordhook Bush Lima, Fordhook 242 12" wide, 8-10" deep
Beans, Snap Bush Romano, Contender, Provider, Tendercrop Stringless, Bush Blue Lake 8" wide, 8-10" deep
Beets Baby Canning, Spinel Little Ball, Red Ace Hybrid, Burpee Golden 6"-12" deep
Broccoli Any variety but Crusader 20" deep
Brussels Sprouts All varieties 12" wide, 12" deep
Cabbage Baby Head, Dwarf Morden, Minicole, Fast Ball, Flash 8"-10" wide, 12" deep
Carrots Short root or round, Nantes, Gold Nugget, Best of the Bunch, Little Finger, Baby Spike, Short & Sweet, Thumbelina 10" wide, 10" deep
Chard Any variety 8-12" deep
Chinese Cabbage Bok Choy, Michihli, Wong Bok 20" deep
Collards Any variety 12" deep
Corn Space saving varieties, F-M Cross, Golden Bantam, Kandy Korn, Precocious 21" wide, 8" deep. Need 3 plants per container to assure pollination.
Cucumber Salad Bush, Burpee Hybrid II, Bush Crop, Spacemaster, Burpee Pickler, Bush Champion, Fanfare, Pickalot, Picklebush, Pot Luck 20" wide, 16" deep
Eggplant Dusky, Morden Midget, Bambino, Millionaire 16" deep
Horseradish Maliner Kren 5 gallon or larger
Kale Any variety 8" wide, 8" deep
Kohlrabi Grand Duke 12" deep
Lettuce Black-seeded Simpson, Red Sails, Salad Bowl, Tom Thumb, Green Ice, Little Gem 8" wide, 6-8" deep
Onion Bunching types work best: White Pear, Japanese Bunching, Beltsville Bunching, Crystal Wax Pickling PBR 10-12" deep
Peas Little Marvel, Sugar Bon, Sugar Mel, Laxton’s Progress, Sugar Rae, Melting Sugar, Burpee’s Blue Bantam, Early Patio, Snowbird 12" deep
Peppers Any variety 16" deep
Potatoes Charlotte, Kennebec, Red Pontiac, Irish Cobbler, Epicure 1-20 gallon containers
Pumpkins Autumn Gold Hybrid, Bushkin, Jack Be Little, Small Sugar, Baby Boo 5 gallon tub
Radish Cherry Belle, Early Scarlet, French Breakfast, Sparkler, Burpee White, Comet. Avoid winter radishes.4-6" deep
Spinach Any variety 4-6" deep
Squash, Summer Early Yellow Summer, Crookneck, Goldbar, Park’s Creamy Hybrid, Scallopine, Peter Pan, Gold Rush, Pic-N-Pic Hybrid, Richgreen Hybrid, SunburstStraightneck, 24" deep
Squash, Winter Butterbush, Bush Acorn, Table King, Cream of the Crop 24" deep
Tomatoes Patio VF, Pixie, Small Fry VFN, Yellow Pear, Sweet 100, Tumbling Tom, Container Choice, Rutgers, Tiny Tim, Husky Red, Husky Gold, Yellow Canary, Whippersnapper, Basket Pak, Red Cherry, Gardener’s Delight, Sundrop Dwarf—12" deep Standard—24" deep
Turnips Any variety 10-12" deep
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6/22/2008 12:24:00 AM
Labels: Container Gardening
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