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6/26/2008 08:59:00 PM


Mold. It causes allergies, smells and is the culprit that is causing the no-paper drywall craze. It has been the bane of existence to women everywhere in the bathroom, when disasters strike and there is standing water from flooding or leaks, or in the basement. Luckily there are a couple of easy ways to get rid of it.

Tea Tree: not only is this stuff great for dandruff but it also kills mold and it kills the smell, too. This essential oil used to be fairly expensive, but now that its well known it is far more affordable than it used to be. A little of this strong smelling oil goes a long way and the smell sticks around for days at at time. The great thing is that its easily applied. A teaspoon to a cup of water in a spray bottle and a good shake and you're set. Spray the affected areas liberally but make sure to wear those rubber gloves because it can burn the skin and you don't even want to get this stuff in your eyes.

Lavender is another good essential oil that is a good mold buster. In general, lavender is anti-microbial so it will not only kill the mold, but just about any other household microscopic critter.

Vinegar kills a good portion of mold. Use it neat or mix a half and half spray depending on the severity of the mold problem.


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